Jora Dahl

Delphinium Fancy Smokey Eyes

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Annual delphiniums are fantastic cut flowers that bloom for weeks and can even tolerate frost. The variety "Fancey Smokey Eyes" impresses with the most delicate lilac tones and an impressive height. If you've never dried delphiniums before, definitely give it a try. Even as a dried flower it retains its shape and color.

Remove dead flowers regularly. Cool flowers! Also ideal for sowing in autumn and early spring.

Contents: 100 seeds

Height: 110-120cm

Sowing: Indoors: February-April, outdoors: April-June and August-October, Cool Flower, requires cold stimulus to germinate

Basically, everything that you can plant in the garden also grows in large soil pots on the balcony - with good soil, lots of sun and sufficient care.

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CE Marking: No

Responsible Person (EU Representative)

Name: Jora Dahl UG

Address: Jägerstr. 35 10117 Berlin

