Support the development of the Sprießerie roof garden

Here you can view the funding status of the roof garden project, select thanks for your support and get involved.

Amount of financing required
5,000 EUR
Current funding status September 29, 2023

EUR 2,040.00

Your thank yous

Support my project by choosing one of the following thank you gifts or freely choosing a contribution.

Sprießerie Coloring Book Nature is an artist 13 EUR

Sprießerie roof garden tour 20 EUR

Sprießerie Granola Set 35 EUR

Sprießerie Stadtgarten set with seeds, sowing and planting calendar 40 EUR

Sprießerie surprise package 50 EUR

Sprießerie FAQ Call “Ask me about your city garden” 80 EUR

Sprießerie breakfast in the roof garden 100 EUR

One-on-one city garden workshop in the Sprießerie roof garden 180 EUR

Send your contribution via Paypal / friends to Keyword Sprießerie roof garden - note thank you.

Or write me a message to if you don't have a PayPal account.

As a thank you to all supporters, I am planning an opening party in the Sprießerie Dachgarten.

I document the current project progress via my social media channel on Instagram.
In any case, thank you so much for your support!