The large collection for a cut flower garden

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An entire cut flower garden can be created with this carefully curated selection of flower seeds. These plants will fill your vases with the most beautiful flowers 2-3 times a week from June to October. Just try it!

Jora Dahl researches the best, most blooming cut flowers worldwide for her seed collections. When finely coordinated, wonderful bouquets can be arranged. Growing them is child's play and fresh from the bed or pot, the flowers last particularly long in the vase.

Contents: ten seed packets and instructions

Ammi majus (cartilage carrot), Cosmos bipinnatus 'Rosetta' (cosm), Helichrysum bracteatum 'Silvery Rose' (strawflower), Limonium sinuatum 'QIS Pastel' (sea lavender), Molucella leavis (shell flower), Nicotiana alata 'Lime green' (ornamental tobacco) , Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll' (Maid in the Green), Panicum virgatum 'Fontaine' (Switchgrass), Zinnia elegans 'Bernary's Giant Lime' (Zinnia), Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Salmon Rose' (Zinnia)

Sowing: February – June, see detailed instructions in the set